Happy Birthday Opa! We hope you have a wonderful day. We are thinking about you and wish we were with you to celebrate your special day.
Love you lots!
This is our attempt to keep our families and friends up to date on what we are thinking, doing and experiencing.
After school we all picked him up and he was smiling and happy. He said he had a good day and only cried once in the morning. He said he liked his teacher and said his favorite part of the day was recess. He said he was tired at recess and had no energy because they don't eat lunch until 1:00pm and have recess first. This we thought was crazy...I'm hungry (seriously) by 11:30am. They have snack time earlier but the grapes we sent "were too sour" so he didn't eat too many of them. He said they did computer lab and he was quite talkative (always a good sign). After school we went to DairyQueen for blizzards (Aidan had M&M, Jason had, you guessed it Butterfinger and Leo and I shared Thin Mint). We came home and boys rode their bikes and played with the neighbor kids. Aidan is playing Wii for a bit, Leo is watching Polar Express and playing with a lego car and we will eat dinner soon.
All in all, it was a great day (no throwing up!) that got better and better. I'm sure tomorrow will be better!
We put together Leo's bike on friday and it is non-stop bike riding. If they are not already outside riding their bikes they are asking if they can! Leo can not get enough. He rides for about an hour, needs a 5 minute break, and he is ready to go again. All the other activities of the day are just distractions!
Where's Patrick?
Our "distractions" of the day included breakfast in the morning with Doris and Patrick. I had brought back (Puyallup) fair scone mix and jam from Seattle for Doris and instead of giving her the mix I offered to make the scones for her so that was the focus of our breakfast but we also had sausage, eggs, pancakes and fruit salad. Then the boys went out to ride their bikes some more. After riding bikes we raced over to the Air and Space Museum out at Dulles airport. We didn't have too long to spend out there because Patrick has a work dinner tonight (after all he did come to work) but it is such a great place we wanted to give him a tease so that he'll want to come back.
I love the Air and Space museum at Dulles. I like it because it is really, really big so it never feels crowded, there are great exhibits (and I'm not even an aircraft lover), and the kids can have fun and be kids (if you know what I mean) and remain unnoticed. They can talk loudly, run every once in a while, be silly and see cool exhibits (transformers, star wars, space shuttle, helicopters).
When they first arrived we were downstairs playing and Leo went into the back bedroom and came out naked. He said he likes to be naked. We were all surprised and laughed! Well to be honest I'm not so surprised! Rachel took a bunch of baby clothes (18 months - 24 months) which I was so happy about! I'm so glad that Curtis can use them. P.S. Curtis is wearing 18 month clothes now! He is SO cute!
The rest of the weekend was not fun at all. We (read: I, Amy) decided it would be a good idea to clean out the storage area in the basement. We took everything out, cleaned up the area, filled a whole "big red car" full of stuff to go to the dump and bought some storage shelves from Ikea. Unfortunately, Ikea did not have all of the pieces we needed so we have to wait a week. We ended up having to put everything back in and we will have to take it all out again next week when the rest of the pieces come in. Ugh! It was exhausting but its always nice to get rid of stuff and organize a bit. The boys also had fun taking stuff out of the storage space at least for a couple of minutes anyway. We also started to clean and get ready for Patrick's visit this coming up weekend! We can't wait.
Ichiro Jersey Day at Safeco Field
Heidi and Patrick worked some magic and got us these fantastic seats on the 300 level, above first base and in the shade. Awesome! The tickets could not have been better. We felt like we were part of the game but it was not hot at all and we actually had a fantastic breeze. At one point Aidan actually said he was "cold". I don't think he ever said that again during our entire trip. We walked around the stadium, had some snacks (the food at stadiums these days is crazy) and enjoyed a day at the Park. We had such a great time! Aidan, however, descretely (not!) pouted the whole game (day?) because he missed his cousin and could not bear to be away from him for more than a couple hours. He could have been at Disneyland and he would have pouted because he was not with Ethan.Laurel cleaning the deck with spilled bubbles
We ended our great day by having dinner and milk shakes at Dicks Drive-In. It was yummy! I had not been to Dick's since probably college over 15 years ago. We had Dick's burgers, fries and ice cream/milk shakes. We at in the gi-normous van again and the kids got to play around in the back. It felt like the old days when we used to travel around in the "ship of fools"--good times.Leo playing with hose