Happy Birthday Oma!
We hope you have a wonderful day and have a delicous cake, cupcake or treat! It is the focus of my day!
We love you lots and wish you a happy, happy birthday and wonderful year.
Amy, Jason, Aidan and Leo
This is our attempt to keep our families and friends up to date on what we are thinking, doing and experiencing.
Cousin Ryan, Cheryl, Aidan and Leo
Amy, Ryan and Cheryl sitting around talking. Jason is taking the photo and can you guess where Leo and Aidan were? Yep! Riding their bikes!
Aidan and Leo in the trunk of cousin Ryan's Porsche.
We also visited Connie and her kitties, Nat and Ana, on Saturday morning and ate lunch at a great place called Kiwi in Arlington.
On Sunday Jason finished putting the shelves up in the storage room and Sunday night, we went to the Doris' Parent's (Mommy and Daddy's) house for dinner and had great burgers and hot dogs and puerto rican beans and rice (yum!). On Monday we went to the Aquarium in Baltimore.
Jellyfish Invasion Exhibit
At the Dolphin Exhibit (super cool!)
Sting Rays