So today was just an average day...nothing exciting to report and nothing out of the ordinary. Sorry family. As I'm writing this post, I'm realizing that most days are probably going to be like this. I don't know what I am going to write about 90 percent of the time. But what I promised was to share our lives with you and this is what our life is like sometimes.
Today was an extremely long day for me at work. I had meetings from morning until afternoon that required me to be "on" most of the time. It is rather exhausting. I was hosting one of the meetings and it was a "quasi" brown-bag presentation that included folks from outside my office. It was "quasi" brown-bag because it was an hour before lunch so no one actually brought their lunch. In any case, I expected the room to be set-up with the furniture arrangement I requested plus all of the technical equipment (i.e. computer and screen). I guess I expected it because I had ordered it and we pay for it. When I got down to the room 10 minutes before the meeting, the room was an utter disaster and nothing was set up and there was no one to be found. Why did I only go down 10 minutes before the meeting was to start you're asking? Well it was because I was in another meeting right before and that I had to cut out early from AND because, well, I expected someone else to do their job so I could do mine. After that I was in a meeting from 3:00 to 5:45pm. In my opinion no one should schedule a meeting after 4pm. I also had to cut out of that meeting early because I am still recovering from a cold and the room was extremely claustrobic with lots of people and really hot and dry so I had a coughing fit which I could not recover from. Yep. Nice.
Doris and I took the metro home (it was extremely crowded and they are doing all these weird things to prepare for inauguration) and the boys picked me up from the metro. Do you know what Aidan requested when I got in the car? Apparently, he did not want the tortillini which Jason had planned for dinner but he wanted sushi. Yep, that's right! Aidan loves sushi. Well, California rolls anyway. So I said to Jason "it's up to you, if you feel like cooking." He replied (as I'm sure you can all guess), "I never like cooking." So Aidan was happy because he got sushi, miso soup and edamame and Jason did not have to cook. Leo does not have refined tastes like Aidan (yet) and does not like sushi so he had leftover meatloaf and miso soup! What a combo!
After that Aidan read a book and earned a family game of bowling on the Wii. Jason beat us all but lost points as a "pro". Aidan and I tied. My bowling skills have really gone down hill since we first got the Wii. My Mii name is "striker" but I don't think I really deserve it any more.
Aidan's contribution to the blog: "I beat Daddy on the first game of tennis."
Time to say Goodnight!
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