We woke up this morning to a burst of white all over the ground, the trees, the cars and the sidewalks. At 6:15am it was just a dusting and Jason turned on the news to see if school might be delayed an hour or too. He was very surprised to see that school was cancelled. I think he was secretly disappointed because Aidan was home yesterday for teacher in-service day and he was hoping to lounge around and eat bon-bons all day with Leo. Unfortunately the federal government was not cancelled and I had to go to work. They never cancel the federal government. It totally stinks but I bet all of you are thinking...Amy should go to work...I want to see my hard earned tax dollars at work. Well let me tell you...they were hard at work. I had one of the worst mornings I have had in a while but I am getting off point.

It continued to snow off and on for most of the day. In the afternoon the boys geared up and went out to play in the snow. They had a good time taking a walk in the snow. Aidan seemed to spend more time on the ground than actually walking around. They threw snow balls at each other and went down to the little creek to throw snow in the creek.

As you can see Leo is feeling much better. The 24 hour flu bug seemed to have lasted longer than 24 hours and it seemed to affect him at both ends but now he seems to be feeling much better. He played in the snow and was running around the house last night and bit tonight. He still isn't eating very much but it's not exactly clear if it is related to the flu or the fact that he just doesn't like to eat and would prefer to drink his meals instead of eat. He would much rather drink chocolate milk, juice or water than eat anything.

Tuesday swimming classes were cancelled but on Sunday Aidan went to William's birthday party at Chuck's his-house (a.k.a Chuck E. Cheese, Chez Chuck). Here are two pictures of Aidan at William's birthday party. I think the plan was for the parents to drop the kids off at the party but Aidan wasn't having any part of that. He stuck pretty close to Jason until Jason told him he was going to stay for the entire party so Aidan could go run around with his friends. After that Aidan seemed to warm up and feel a bit more comfortable with his surroundings. The place was really packed with kids so it is not a surprise that Aidan felt a little nervous and uncomfortable at the party. Leo and I hung out at home as Leo still was not feeling that great.
William (the Birthday Boy), Aidan and Kentaro
Aidan and Kentaro enjoying their pizza.
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