This is our attempt to keep our families and friends up to date on what we are thinking, doing and experiencing.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
We've got snow!
Friday, January 29, 2010

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
MIA: Doggy

Sunday, January 24, 2010
Pa's Birthday Weekend
Happy Birthday Pa! We hope you have a super great day. Burgers and fries with Crow, H, Ethan, Riley, and the Fosters sounds great. We wish we could celebrate with you but know we are thinking about you.
We don't have much going on this weekend. We had dinner with Doris on Friday night. Doris and I picked up take out from Hamburger Hamlet on our way home from work and we went to our house to eat. We all got really yummy burgers and fries. It was a day off the diet for me but I am back on the wagon.
Yesterday Jason worked in Leesburg and the boys and I hung out at home in the morning and then we went to Tyson's Corner I and II with Doris. Doris was getting her haircut and so we went with her. Jason met us at the mall after work at Tyson's I. The boys used their gift cards at Barnes and Noble (thank you Pa and Crow!). Aidan got a book on UFOs and Aliens and Leo got two books about Space. I also got two books with my gift card. After that, we went to Gordon Biersch for dinner. Aidan had a cheeseburger, Leo had a grilled cheese, I had a seafood Cobb salad, Jason had fish and chips and Doris had Mahi Mahi. It was great especially the locally brewed beer.
Today we went to the Dulles Expo Center for a train exhibit. Leo loved it and Aidan could have done without it but he was a good sport. Jason is at a magic lecture at the magic shop tonight and I am trying a new recipe from cooking light. I have no doubt that the boys are NOT going to like it but I'm trying it anyway. It is called Lombo di Maiale Coi Porri (Pan-Roasted Pork Loin with Leeks). If I like it, I will put it in the recipes section on the left of the blog but if you are interested just click on the link.
I am trying to update the recipes section of the blog and I have also added a few new pictures to the left. They are pictures of places we have been over the years and that I think are extra special. In this case, Jason is probably correct that he took them (except for the Palace picture which I took) but let's be honest any more these days the pictures were taken by me, with my new camera (thanks to Jason!).
We're still waiting for Jason to write his movie review. Let's see how long it takes (wink, wink). I'm also trying to really clean out my closet and get rid of clothes and other stuff that I have not used for a long time or know, deep down, that I am not going to use it or wear it any more. I see this as a long term project with me starting with my closet and extending to every floor of the house. We need to down size. Too much stuff stresses me out. Of course it doesn't help that I just bought a few (okay well maybe more than a few) things from Stampin' Up and CM but this is what I love so how could that stress me out?
Tomorrow is Monday. Now that stresses me out. Aidan has the day off. Lucky Dog!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
The "Family" Blog
So without further ado, let me present to you my current and ongoing contribution to the Holma-Ritualo Blog is…the pictures. Nearly every picture on the blog from day one was taken by me. So if you think about it, I’m usually contributing 2-3 items for every one post that Amy does. Just think how boring this blog would be if it wasn’t for all of my hard work. Sure, Amy’s words paint a pretty vivid picture of what was going on or what the boys look like now, but it’s my images that really give this blog some, shall we say, pizzazz. So, sit back, read the blog regularly and enjoy all of my hard work.
I’ve just been told/berated by a certain someone who was reading over my shoulder that my taking pictures that she then has to download to the computer before uploading them to the blog and then edit them to fit into the text, doesn’t constitute “contributing” to the family blog. So after serious consideration/deciding what would be the next easiest thing to do, I’ve decided to start doing movie reviews again.
It’s been awhile since I last did a review so I’m going to start fresh. I’m moving all of the previous reviews from the left hand column and adding them to the end of this post so they will be available to read if you missed them the first time. The new reviews will now be posted in the left hand column starting with the most recent movie I’ve seen, Youth in Revolt.
An HBO movie about the legal battles that took place in Florida during the 2000 Presidential election that help determine the winner.
A well made film about a somewhat complicated and possibly boring story. There were two things in particular the film makers did that I liked. The first thing was the way they combined actual news footage with the actors to tell the story. The second thing was the way the movie was shot. It was shot using a lot of hand held cameras which gave it a documentary feel. Combined with the news footage and the quality acting, it made if feel very real.
That said, I still wouldn’t recommend this movie. Even with the current change in administration it’s still a little too fresh in our memories to relive this period of political history. And if you were a Bush supporter, you won’t be real happy with the portrayal of your political party. The Republicans weren’t necessarily vilified but there was a definite bias.
So unless you’re a Nadar supporter or just enjoy that feeling of anger building up in your gut, I’d stay away from this one.
Slumdog Millionaire
Slumdog Millionaire is the story of Jamal, an orphan from the slums of Mumbai, who is accused of cheating when he is nearing the top prize of India’s version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. It’s with flashbacks during the police’s interrogation that you see how Jamal’s life history provided him with the answers to these nearly impossible questions.
Slumdog Millionaire is winning or being nominated for virtually every movie award out there this year. It just recently won the Golden Globe for Best Motion Picture – Drama, and was nominated for Best Picture by the Academy Awards. I can honestly say that I agree with them. I’m sure this is making all the film critics out there breathe easy knowing that I feel they made the right decision. But anyway, this is a great movie. You really care about the characters. You feel like cheering for Jamal’s triumphs and shuddering at the horrors he goes through. It’s very well done from the direction to the acting.
It’s a great film but I can’t imagine India’s tourism board is all that happy with it. I’ve always felt that India is one of those countries I’d never want to travel to, and this film only validates those feelings. It feels like you could actually get hepatitis just by watching this movie.
If you’re a germaphobe I’d recommend staying away from Slumdog Millionaire, but if you’re up to date on your tetanus shots and want to see a good film, go see it.
This isn’t a new movie. It’s a movie everyone has seen and usually loves and considers a comedy classic. Over the years I’ve seen bits and pieces of it but I’ve never seen the entire thing from beginning to end. So when I saw the DVD at the library I had to get it. I had to see what all the fuss was about.
As I said before, a lot of people consider Caddyshack to be a classic, one of the funniest movies ever. I think the people that feel that way are probably people who saw it for the first time around the time it came out (1980). Comedies are like that. I don’t think they hold up as well 20,30 years down the road for a first time viewing. I think for someone who saw it when it was new and loved it, could still love it and think it was funny today. That’s because it reminds them of the first time they saw it. When, “Did someone step on a duck” was new and funny. I had heard that line so many times by so many different people that when I heard Rodney Dangerfield say it it seemed more like Dangerfield doing an impression of my dad than the other way around.
I’m glad I saw it but if I was in the mood to watch something funny and was looking for something to see, Caddyshack wouldn’t ever cross my mind. In case you’re wondering, I would go for something like 40 Year Old Virgin, SuperBad, Role Models or anything by Kevin Smith
Monday, January 18, 2010
Dad's Night Off
(Extended) Mother's Night Out
Monday, January 4, 2010
Happy New Year!
As you can see we work up to beautiful views out on the creek and in the distance beyond we could see the enormous Rappahannock River. There were a ton of birds surrounding us and we went for walks every day. The last day, January 2, 2010 was freezing cold, unbearably cold but the other days were cold but great.
We took walks in the State Park which we pretty much owned because there was no one else staying in the park while we were there. We played cards, a little old maid, 31, and phase-10. We had lots of snacks (I love snacks) and ate great meals. We each took a meal time. I made chicken enchiladas and rice on New Years, Thotlady made Monkey muffins (yum-o), Barb made Lasagna and Jason made pancakes in the morning.

Happy New Year everyone! We wish you a wonderful, peaceful, healthy and happy New Year!