Monday, August 10, 2009

Seattle Trip: Seattle Mariners and Safeco Field

View of downtown Seattle and Safeco Field
Just a quick current time update: it's 8:25pm and the boys are in the bathtub. I am sitting outside the bathroom trying to get in a quick blog post. It has been incredibly hard getting back to east coast time and going to and funtioning at work. Aidan and Leo are still sleeping in until after 8am (unheard of!) and Jason and I are still exhausted at 6am. I am finding it almost impossible to get to work and it has proved equally impossible to want to be at work, do any work or function at work. I guess I still have vacation and Seattle on the mind. When will it end?

Now on to the vacation memories...

Did I mention that I spent the first week of vacation sick? The first day that I actually felt better was Sunday when we met Heidi, Patrick and Laurel for a fun day. We went over to their house and had fantastic breakast/brunch full on with a Patrick-inspired and delicious brunch dish, french toast, fruit and coffee. After brunch we all packed up (seven of us) in the gi-normous van and headed down to Safeco Field for the Mariners vs. Indians game. Jason and I (or the boys) had never been to the stadium so it was a particular treat for us. I was a bit worried about going to the game because did I mention it was horrendously hot in Seattle the ENTIRE time we were there. I was worried about the kids sitting in the hot sun all afternoon and getting hot and cranky but it did not happen.

Ichiro Jersey Day at Safeco Field

Heidi and Patrick worked some magic and got us these fantastic seats on the 300 level, above first base and in the shade. Awesome! The tickets could not have been better. We felt like we were part of the game but it was not hot at all and we actually had a fantastic breeze. At one point Aidan actually said he was "cold". I don't think he ever said that again during our entire trip. We walked around the stadium, had some snacks (the food at stadiums these days is crazy) and enjoyed a day at the Park. We had such a great time! Aidan, however, descretely (not!) pouted the whole game (day?) because he missed his cousin and could not bear to be away from him for more than a couple hours. He could have been at Disneyland and he would have pouted because he was not with Ethan.

After we enjoyed the game (the Mariners majorly lost) we went back to H & P's house and Laurel and Leo played outside in the little pool and with the little sprinkler and bubbles. Leo loved spraying the hose, any where and every where and Laurel loved dumping the bubbles on the deck and cleaning the deck.

Laurel cleaning the deck with spilled bubbles

We ended our great day by having dinner and milk shakes at Dicks Drive-In. It was yummy! I had not been to Dick's since probably college over 15 years ago. We had Dick's burgers, fries and ice cream/milk shakes. We at in the gi-normous van again and the kids got to play around in the back. It felt like the old days when we used to travel around in the "ship of fools"--good times.

Leo playing with hose

1 comment:

  1. These pictures are great! I'm glad you all had sucha wonderful time!!
