Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Aidan Won an Award!

Aidan won the Principal's Good Citizenship Award for community spirit and outstanding leadership in the 2nd grade at school the other day.  They announced the award at the school's town hall meeting last week.  We couldn't be more proud.


  1. Aidan we are so proud of you. We know what a wonderful citizen you are and now everyone else knows it too! Oma and Opa PS Leo we are also very proud of you.

  2. Aidan, what an honor for you! Way to go! Keep up the good work. Love you and Leo!!

  3. way to go Aidan. you and lil bro are both great kids.

    Pa and Crow

  4. Aidan you are the best citizen I know and love you very much I and Pa are sooooooooo proudddddddd of you I just cant stand it. Love you all lots see ya sooon Crow

  5. Way to go, Aidan! Having a younger brother gives an older brother lots of practice with being a fantastic citizen, right Aidan? Leo...your turn is coming! As the same can be said of having an older brother! Ellen

  6. Congratulations Aidan. We love you.

    Thotlady and Bogie
