Monday, August 27, 2012

First Day of School

Today was the first day school. No one was really looking forward to it (except for me and Jason-ha!). The morning started out well by waking Crow up with the pillow. They had a good breakfast of pancakes and chocolate milk. Everyone got a little quiet in the car and the nerves were on high but they went in the front door together and we picked them up at 3:05pm.

The boys seemed to have a great day at school. Aidan wasn't thrilled he had a substitute today but he's happy to be home and to go out for I've cream after school. Tomorrow is a new day!

Don't they look awesome for their first day of 1st grade and 4th grade?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Have a great year of school. You guys will do well i just know it. Crow comes home tomorrow, yea!



    1. Pa, maybe you didn't get crows message: she's not coming back!

    2. Say it ain't so. I am so over being here alone.

  2. They both look so OLD! Great outfits (although I was hoping to see Leo's shoes -- I'm sure they made the outfit)! I'm glad everyone had a good day! I can't believe Aidan had a substitute on the first day of school. That's odd. Enjoy the ice cream! :-)

  3. Two handsome, smart boys! Don't worry, I see Saturday coming right around the corner! Ha!
    love, Gma Joan

  4. Congratulations Aidan and Leo!! You look great - I'm glad the first was terrific!! xoxo
