Monday, October 29, 2012

Hurricane Sandy Update

It's about 4:30 pm and we are doing well. We still have power. The boys are enjoying their 4 day weekend. The federal government just announced that we will be closed tomorrow. The worst of the storm is supposed to occur from now until 2am but I think more so between 6-8pm.

Here is a little video of the storm from our backyard. It was really cold recording the video and I got quite wet! We'll update you in the next few hours. Our lights just flickered. Let the fun begin...


  1. Couldn't get the video. Said it was private, but we can imagine those trees swaying! Oma and Opa

    1. Thanks Oma and Opa. Sorry about the video. I'm learning. I changed access so I'm hoping you can see it now. We've had more wind and lots of rain. Just after dinner we had a big gust of wind and Aidan said with wide eyes, "can we go downstairs now?" We still have power and are doing well.

  2. good video and great reporting. stay safe.

    love pa and crow

  3. thanx for the report and video. glad you are okay.

