This is our attempt to keep our families and friends up to date on what we are thinking, doing and experiencing.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Not in the clear yet
School was cancelled for Aidan because of all of the icy roads which was good because as the title says, we are not in the clear yet. Aidan woke up this morning throwing up. He got what Leo had and spent most of the morning until about noon vomiting. The rest of the day was spent resting in bed or on the couch and watching movies. He took three naps. He has not taken a nap since he was 3 years old! Poor little Aidan. We're hoping school gets cancelled again tomorrow so that he can have another day of rest.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
School's Cancelled: Snow Day!

William (the Birthday Boy), Aidan and Kentaro

Aidan and Kentaro enjoying their pizza.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
It was only a matter of time
You’ll notice a new section in the left hand column called “movie reviews by Jason”. That’s where you’ll be able to find my posts. I’ll be writing my thoughts, feelings, and recommendations about the movies I see both in theaters and on DVD.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Happy Birthday Pa!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Long Night
Leo seemed to be feeling a lot better when I got home and Aidan was also in a semi-good mood. Jason and Doris went to a movie tonight. I thought Jason could use another night off and Doris was planning to go to the movies by herself. They went to go see Slumdog Millionaire. The boys and I went upstairs. They were watching Garfield and I was changing our bed sheets. After such a night, they really needed to be changed. Aidan went to bed and Leo was laying in our bed watching the movie. While I was trying to help get Aidan to sleep I hear Leo throwing up in our room. Aidan started crying because he didn't want to be alone in his room. It was not good. I got Leo cleaned up and in bed and Aidan was in bed and I stood in the two doorways until they both fell asleep. I came back in our room and changed the sheets for the second time in one hour.
Just as I was sitting in bed typing this post poor little Leo threw up again. This time all over himself and his own bed. It's so sad and he is so tired. He wants to lay down on the bathroom floor. This time I got him changed and now he is sleeping on the floor in our room. He is so cute, sweet and peaceful. Now I am off to clean up his room. We are out of clean sheets. We will be out of clean pillows soon and Leo is running out of clean "friends" (his favorite stuffed animals).
Good Night!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Mad in the Holma Family
Monday, January 19, 2009
Unexpected Inaugural Fun
Yesterday we decided that Doris and I were going to go to the movies. We were planning to see Slumdog Millionaire at 11:20am in Bethesda. Doris picked me up at 10:30am. On our way to the movies, I asked Doris if she would rather go downtown so that she could buy an inaugural button instead of the movies (she really wanted a button and was disappointed that she did not go down yesterday during the concert). I figured we could see Slumdog anytime but the inauguration festivities would be once in a life time. So we decided to skip the movie and go downtown and check out what all the fuss was about.
Stop 1: Macy's Metro Center - We jumped on the metro and headed into town. On our ride in there was a woman on the Metro selling buttons $5 a button or 5 for $20. We didn't jump thinking we could find something more downtown. So far, so good. It is really cold outside and I was not prepared for such an event so we stopped at the Macy's at Metro Center and bought a pair of Ugg-like shoes to keep my feet warm and a pair of gloves. Since we moved to our new place, I have not been able to find my gloves and I have been without them all winter. I had a gift card from Christmas (thanks Pa and Crow) and now we are all set.
Stop 2: Hay Adams Hotel - Off the Record Bar - "Best place to be seen and not be heard"
Now that our hands are warm and are feet are toasty we set out to satisfy our hunger for both food and movie stars. We walked towards the White House to the Hay Adams Hotel (where the Obama's stayed when they first moved to Washington) and we decided to have lunch at Off the Record. We were hoping to get some lunch and spot some movie stars. We had a great lunch but unfortunately we didn't see any stars.
Stop 3: The White House
We headed over to the White House to see the parade route and where the Obama's would watch the parade. There were lots of people hanging out around there and taking pictures. We think we spotted someone famous. What was the clue? He is super tall, had a camera following him around and at one point he started waving. I made Doris run up in front and take his picture. Here it is: Anyone know who the mystery man is?
Mystery Man. Anyone?
Stop 4: The Official Inauguration Souvenir Store.
Every person that came to the city for the inauguration was in this store. It was crazy. Doris and I got our picture taken with Obama and we bought a few souvenirs. I bought an inaugural poster and a button and pin for each of the boys. Doris bought a button. She got what she was looking for.
We headed down to the Mall to see how many people were out and about and to see if we could find the news broadcasters and their stages. There were so many people all over the Mall and mind you, there really isn't anything going on today. First, we found the setup for CNN and we spotted Soledad O'Brian and Roland Martin. We were actually hoping to see Anderson Cooper but he was not around. While we were here I called Jason and told him to watch on CNN to see if he could see us. He said he couldn't believe I was standing outside waving with a cell phone to my ear. I told him there were a bunch of other idiots like me waving, with a cell phone, trying to see if I'm on TV.
Stop 6: The Mall-MSNBC
We stopped by the MSNBC studios and stood around trying to get on camera again. While we were waiting around we saw Luke Russert (the late Tim Russert's son) coming out of the studio. I'm not sure if you know, but Doris, Jason and I all LOVE Tim Russert and we were so sad when he passed away so by association we love Luke Russert as well. His smile is just like his Dad's. We ran over to try to get a picture with him but he started to walk away. I made Doris follow him and I yelled "Luke! Luke!" and he came over and I got to take a picture of him and Doris. I love this picture!
Stop 7: Gallery Place Metro
After all that we decided it was time to go home. We walked over to Gallery Place to catch the metro home. I could not believe how many people were around there and how many vendors were selling their wares. Gallery Place is really not that close to the Mall. People are making SO much money off of this inauguration it is unbelievable. Everything Obama sells, from T-Shirts, to Dog Tags, to CD's, DVD's, posters, scarves, hats, buttons, lapel pins, reusable grocery bags, you name it they have it with Obama written on it. It is incredible. The Metro ride home was fine. The platforms were super crowded but an empty train picked us up so we had a seat all the way home.
All in all, it was a really fun day and it was fun to be part of the inaugural celebration. I kept thinking while I was out that I wish Aidan could see it (I think Leo is too young to remember) but there were many times when I also thought he would hate it (the crowded stores, the packed metro, the cold, the walking). He would especially hate it because he has a cold and a cough too. I just want them to know what a special day this is and what a big event it is in our history. We are planning to watch the event on TV together as a family. I hope he remembers. I bought Aidan an Obama t-shirt for him to wear to school on Wednesday. For their show and share they have to bring something in about their new President.
It is times like these when it is great to live in our Nation's Capital.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Striker is back and better than ever!
This is a four day weekend for Aidan and me. It's so great!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Snow and Stuff
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Average Day
Today was an extremely long day for me at work. I had meetings from morning until afternoon that required me to be "on" most of the time. It is rather exhausting. I was hosting one of the meetings and it was a "quasi" brown-bag presentation that included folks from outside my office. It was "quasi" brown-bag because it was an hour before lunch so no one actually brought their lunch. In any case, I expected the room to be set-up with the furniture arrangement I requested plus all of the technical equipment (i.e. computer and screen). I guess I expected it because I had ordered it and we pay for it. When I got down to the room 10 minutes before the meeting, the room was an utter disaster and nothing was set up and there was no one to be found. Why did I only go down 10 minutes before the meeting was to start you're asking? Well it was because I was in another meeting right before and that I had to cut out early from AND because, well, I expected someone else to do their job so I could do mine. After that I was in a meeting from 3:00 to 5:45pm. In my opinion no one should schedule a meeting after 4pm. I also had to cut out of that meeting early because I am still recovering from a cold and the room was extremely claustrobic with lots of people and really hot and dry so I had a coughing fit which I could not recover from. Yep. Nice.
Doris and I took the metro home (it was extremely crowded and they are doing all these weird things to prepare for inauguration) and the boys picked me up from the metro. Do you know what Aidan requested when I got in the car? Apparently, he did not want the tortillini which Jason had planned for dinner but he wanted sushi. Yep, that's right! Aidan loves sushi. Well, California rolls anyway. So I said to Jason "it's up to you, if you feel like cooking." He replied (as I'm sure you can all guess), "I never like cooking." So Aidan was happy because he got sushi, miso soup and edamame and Jason did not have to cook. Leo does not have refined tastes like Aidan (yet) and does not like sushi so he had leftover meatloaf and miso soup! What a combo!
After that Aidan read a book and earned a family game of bowling on the Wii. Jason beat us all but lost points as a "pro". Aidan and I tied. My bowling skills have really gone down hill since we first got the Wii. My Mii name is "striker" but I don't think I really deserve it any more.
Aidan's contribution to the blog: "I beat Daddy on the first game of tennis."
Time to say Goodnight!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Tuesday is Swimming Day

Monday, January 12, 2009
Parenting is the toughtest job
Parenting is one of the toughest jobs. I'm a planner, direct, organized and like sequence and order and parenting rarely is any of that. If I am going to do something, I want to do it "right" and "well" and mostly parenting is "experimental". It gives you guilt and makes you feel inadequate and unaccomplished especially during these really rough days.
But even with all that, it is the best and most rewarding job I have ever had. Every day I hate to leave in the morning and every day I can't get home fast enough.